One of the most notorious teeth in your oral cavity are maxillary and mandibular third molars which often erupt in the age range of 18-25 years, maybe beyond!
A few signs and symptoms mentioned below to help you understand that they’re about to trouble you:
- Pain with or without swelling in the upper and lower back regions
- Referred pain in the ear, neck or head
- Soreness of gums, bleeding in the surrounding area
- Reduced mouth opening
- Difficulty in chewing food
Wisdom teeth are vestigeal parts in the human body that do not serve any purpose. They’re merely present as a part of human evolution and according to a few studies, may just vanish away in the generations to come.
Earlier they were thought to be responsible for late mandibular crowding but various studies have confirmed of results otherwise.
It is safe to get your wisdom tooth removed before, during or after Orthodontic treatment if it seems to be trouble some for you. Wisdom teeth do not contribute or complicate any Orthodontic tooth movement at all.